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Here’s something you can do right now to help you take a step forward and de-cluttering your mind. This is a common technique that lots of coaches use to help their clients to get more of the results they want, and I picked this up a few years ago from Eben Pagan, in fact this is the precise system that he teaches but with my own twist.

Rush Transcript

Before we begin, you might want to grab a pen and piece of paper for this, because I’m going to show you how you can become way more productive, even by the end of this video.

So let me explain the best way for you to use this video, and get fantastic results. You see, part way through this, I’m going to ask you to pause the video and do a little exercise – but don’t worry it doesn’t involve doing anything crazy like lifting weights, …. or walking, but it does mean pushing the ‘pause’ and ‘start’ buttons on the video player, which is enough of a workout for me.

So you’re going to stop the video, use the pen and paper to do the exercise, then you’re going to turn the video back on and we’ll go through it and refine your work together.

OK great, you might be familiar with a video I released a few weeks ago that explained the importance of using your willpower to its full potential, and structuring your time so you focus on high value activities. The things that produce the biggest long term gains.

Well, in the last couple of weeks I’ve received feedback from you guys about this and it seems that a lot of the things some of you spend your time on, or the things that occupy your mind actually have nothing to with running your business, and just getting your head in the right place so you can focus on what you need to do is an issue for some of you, so I thought I’d shoot this to help you out.

It turns out that for a lot of you, the problem is with your internal thoughts, and nothing to do with the outside world.

So you need help with getting your head in the game because you’re thoughts are dominated by things like self-doubt, lack of motivation, relationship problems and that kind of stuff.

So this is where you’re going to change things up and maximise your ability to focus on high value activities. So this will free up your attention and direct it to the areas of your life that can produce the highest rewards.

Here’s something you can do right now to help you take a step forward and de-cluttering your mind. This is a common technique that lots of coaches use to help their clients to get more of the results they want, and I picked this up a few years ago from Eben Pagan, in fact this is the precise system that he teaches but with my own twist.

You see, your mind is a lot like a computer, and if you have multiple programs running, all using its resources, then it doesn’t work as efficiently as it could. We all know what it’s like when a computer is struggling to complete its tasks, we get nothing done, it’s frustrating and we have to reboot it.

And your mind works in the same way, so if you have lots of thoughts running around it’s hard to focus on the import things and get the tasks done that produce the biggest gains. So this is kind of like rebooting your brain, so we stop focusing on the things that slow us down, we stop giving it energy.

So grab that pen and paper because I want you to write down everything that you think about, all the good stuff, and all the bad stuff, write down everything that bothers you, everything you’re worried about, everything that keeps you awake at night, write it all down, everything you think about, both the positive and the negative.

And I want you to spend around 5 or 10 minutes on this, really give it some thought and take the time to do this because it’s going to change the way you work. And if you work more productively then you’ll experience better results.

So pause the video now, go ahead and write a big list of everything you think about, and you’ll know when you’re done when you start laughing. Ok pause the video now.


Hey welcome back, so you should have a fairly long list of stuff to work with for the next portion of the video.

Now I want you to go through the list, and if you’re working on paper then you can draw a circle around all the things that are beyond your control – all the stuff that you CAN’T change or do anything about.

If you’re working on the computer, just put a dash, or minus, next to it.

So look through the list and decide on all the things that you cannot control. These are probably negative things and they don’t contribute much to your long term success.

Then go through the list again, but this time put a star or a plus sign next to all the things that you CAN control. These are the important things in your life.

We waste so much time and energy worrying about things that we can’t control, and it eats up our thoughts, productivity, momentum and motivation. And we need to make a conscious decision to stop that, so we can move forward and get more of what we want.

Ok, so now take all the items on your list that have a plus sign next to them and transfer them to a second list, so you take all the things that you CAN control, and make a second list with them, and as you do this, prioritize each one in order of importance because these are your opportunities for growth.

Now for the items that have a circle, or a dash next to them. These are the ones you can’t control. Take a good look through the list and stop at each one, and as you do, ask yourself if you can let it go. Ask yourself if you REALLY need to carry it anymore, and make a conscious decision to say goodbye to it and the negative influence it has on your life.

Then notice how it makes you feel when you let it go. Notice that you feel a little bit freer, less heavy, less burdened. It feels good right, you’re making a conscious decision to remove those worries from your life and you’re freeing up room for the stuff that really matters.

Now, you want to really focus on the first 5 or 10 items on your new list, the stuff you can control, these are the areas that deserve your attention the most and will give you the highest rewards. So you now have a personalized list that you can use to guide your actions each day.


Ok great, when you stick to focusing on what’s in front of you, the items on your list that you CAN control, you’ll become more productive, you’ll experience better results, you’ll feel better about yourself and the world around you, and you’ll achieve more.

Right, I think I’ll leave things there for today guys, and if you want to join the Profit Copilot email list and get more videos like this, there should be a link somewhere on this page that will let you subscribe. Thank you for watching guys and I’ll see you real soon.


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