7 Steps To A Profitable Youtube Channel (Without Ads)

Kartra Traffic Funnel
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In today’s article, I’m going to give you the 7 key steps that I’m using to grow my YouTube subscriber numbers and audience base, and then profiting from that traffic. 

I’ll also in the video above this post I’ll give you an inside look at my analytics so you can see how these steps have paid off for me, and how it can work for you, too.

This is all without running adverts on your channel – which is probably just as well considering the recent limitations YouTube have imposed on smaller channels.


I’ve been on YouTube for a while now, but really became enamoured with it on the 22nd of November, 2017. That day I decided to begin a 90 day challenge where I created one piece of video content every day for 90 days. 

In the end I did around 126 days, because I enjoyed it so much.

Up until that point I was only producing about one video a week and I wasn’t taking it very seriously. I was very preoccupied with my other businesses and because of this, my channel was stagnant with hardly any growth. I had a small, 150 subscriber audience throughout the year… I just felt that video marketing wasn’t my thing.

I’d been working in the digital marketing industry for around 20 years but when it was time to educate others, I was out of my comfort zone and really didn’t invest much time or energy into it. I didn’t have the motivation or the confidence in myself or my communication skills when it came down to actually teaching. Luckily, that 90-day challenge truly changed my outlook on not only YouTube video marketing, but my own abilities and skills as well.

Getting Started

Looking at the lifetime view of your YouTube channel, in the analytics section, you’ll be able to see exactly when the channel started and how far you’ve come. My channel was created back in 2010, at which time I hadn’t been producing much content. It was only a few years ago that I uploaded my first YouTube video, and then really just let the channel sit.

When I started producing weekly videos about a year ago, there still wasn’t much in terms of growth, but moving forward to November, 2017, we can see that this starts to steadily increase over time. By checking out your lifetime view and how your analytics have changed over time, you can see the growth trajectory and the direction in which your channel is heading.

In my original video, I gave viewers a look into my own YouTube analytics to show the subscriber and engagement growth there. Just over the previous 90 days, it was clear to see that my channel’s video views, shares, playlist saves, subscribers and overall engagement had improved. When I looked into the previous 28 days, the analytics

showed that while most of the original improvement was still there, average view duration had actually decreased a little bit. This is completely normal! So if you look into your own YouTube channel and see those red arrows pointing down, singling a decrease in view duration, remember that it’s usually very temporary, and as long as the rest of your analytics show consistent growth, you don’t have to worry.

If your other YouTube analytics do happen to show your views and engagement decreasing, don’t let that deter you from moving forward. You can use the following steps to improve them in no time.

#1 Be Consistent

The first step I took was to create and maintain consistency. In other words, decide on a schedule that works for you. Pick a day of the week or month, and try to keep your uploads consistent and uniform to that schedule. This allows viewers and subscribers to learn what days and times you usually add new content, so they won’t miss any of it. For me, this was every day, but you don’t have to upload content this often as long as you

stay consistent. Create a routine and allow your viewers to be a part of it.

#2 Increase the Frequency 

This one is pretty self-explanatory but important nonetheless.

When I began to really focus on digital marketing and video creation last November, I increased the frequency of my YouTube videos from once a week (if that), to once daily. While I originally did this primarily for the 90-day challenge, it got me into the habit of daily creation.

I consistently created and shared 120 days of videos, and it became second-nature to do so. These days I usually upload between three and five videos weekly, although this may vary slightly. This is a good, solid average frequency to upload content. Some share more or less often, too. You’ll have to find a number that works for you, but a good, solid average ranges from about once a week, to three to five times weekly.

#3 Engage, Engage, Engage

Another really important thing I still focus on is engaging with the community that has developed around my YouTube channel. I respond to comments, ask questions and share some insight when I see the opportunity to do it.

Engaging with viewers and followers is often overlooked when it comes to YouTube, as opposed to other social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. But subscribers really appreciate this and are much more likely to be loyal to your channel and your business. #4 Collaborate and Work Together

A great way to create more engagement and gain attention on YouTube is to create collaborative content. This means working with others that inspire you, or have content that you’re interested in, on and off of YouTube. Collaborating is a great way to cross audience lines, especially when it comes to working with other YouTube creators who have their own subscriber bases. Look for individuals who run different businesses or do different things than you do, that will allow you to branch out and reach more of an

audience, thus getting you more views and more followers!

#5 Find Your Mission

One thing I’ve realized is a major key to running a successful YouTube channel, or digital marketing business in general, is discovering your mission. Above all else, my YouTube channel exists to help guide people through the maze that is internet and digital marketing.

It’s easier for those with less experience to get caught up in the scams, the hype and the get-rich-quick schemes that run rampant through the web. So I created my channel to put a stop to that, and to help people learn these skills without being taken advantage of. While I do work to monetize my website or blog, my mission comes first and foremost. Finding your own mission or reason is important in order to stay focused. It will give you a goal when you feel things aren’t going the way you want them to, and an extra boost of confidence when they are!

#6 Give Them What They Want

This is something many individuals using YouTube have a problem with, but its absolutely essential. I wanted to give my audience more of what they wanted, so I paid close attention to the analytics and found what was working and what was the most popular. Then I created more of that type of content. For example, every Tuesday I create a new video sharing traffic methods that my audience might not have been aware of before.

These videos are a part of a ‘program’ I call Traffic Tuesdays. These have proven to be extremely popular, and the videos garner a lot of attention and engagement, probably much of that being due to the consistency and frequency of the videos themselves. (Steps #1 and #2!) Find out what your audience enjoys the most, and what they are interacting with and getting involved in. Once you find this element, use it to your advantage and create more relevant content. This keeps people interested and coming back to your channel.

#7 Call-To-Action

At the start of a YouTube video, after I’ve greeted my audience and done my intro, I will have call-to-action text on the screen which asks viewers to “like and subscribe” for more profitable tips. I also do this at the end of each video for good measure. This encourages people to subscribe and engage with my channel.

By doing this, I am creating multiple calls to action. Call-to-action methods and messages are great because it gives viewers a sense of needing to be a part of the channel and the community there. Doing this on your own YouTube channel will help your viewers to do the same, while reminding them that in order to see new content from you, they’ll need to follow you.

This can be a great, simple, and not overly-obnoxious way to ask viewers to get involved, and it can be done in other ways as well. Find what works for you and your audience, but don’t be afraid to ask them to get engaged with you.

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