The 90 Day Content Marketing Challenge

Kartra Traffic Funnel
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The 90 day content marketing challenge is now complete, and I’m gonna run you through the results.

I’m going to explain why I did it and we’re going to look at whether or not you should consider doing your own 90 day content marketing challenge, too.

What is the 90 Day Content Marketing Challenge?

I’ve been creating one piece of content every single day for the last 90 days, and uploading it to the Internet.

This is an experiment that I’m running to see how much of a following I can build on the Profit Copilot YouTube channel for free only using organic traffic methods.

As you probably know I’ve been doing minimal promotion, almost no marketing – so I haven’t been aggressive with my Facebook posting, and I haven’t been aggressive with my email list promotion.

Now it would be easy for me to invest money into advertising to market the channel in ways that I usually would but I’m not going to do that.

I’m trying to put myself in a similar position to most of the people who will be consuming my content and I want to go from their point of view, starting at the same point as you.

Really, I want to demonstrate that you can build a brand, you can build an authority using free methods and without investing hundreds or thousands of dollars into promotion.

I’m going to show you the results of this experiment.

The Journey

But first let me tell you a little bit about the experience and how I found this journey.

I have absolutely loved creating content for you.

It has been hard at times and there has been days when I have just wanted a day off.

But I haven’t taken any time off because, if you’ve seen my previous blog posts and videos, you’ll know that I talk about discipline a lot.

So it would be kind of wrong of me to have weekends off while insisting that you have to work continuously to get make an online business a success.

I don’t believe in the ‘do as I say, not do as I do’ thing.

As much as I love creating these blog posts and videos, I will only do this for as long as I can give absolute value to you.

The moment I think I have run out of things to say and things to teach you then I’ll stop doing all this.

But I’ve been doing this for 20 years, I’ve been doing digital marketing since I was a teenager – that’s when I first started learning how to build websites, so I have 20 years worth of experience and knowledge to teach you.

And I can probably spend another 20 years teaching you stuff.

So I have literally got thousands and thousands of ideas for videos and for blog posts and there’s no way I’m ever going to run out of stuff to teach you.

You know, as much as I would like to take a day off, it’s actually not that big of a deal to me.

The Discipline

When I started my very first blog, I grew that to 4 million hits a month, and I did that through not taking the day off for about three years.

I started in 2004 and worked right the way through to 2007 without a single day off.

In fact the only time I did take time off was when I was rushed to hospital and I had to have surgery.

If that hadn’t have happened I would have continued, but those three years really paid off.

And it still pays off today.

Years later I’m still reaping the rewards, so I feel like discipline is on my side.

Although it took a while to get there, and to the point where I don’t worry about all things that I’m missing out on because I know that, in time, it will be worth so much more to me than watching that TV show or going out for that meal or hanging out with friends.

So before we get into the results I’m going to remind you of the type of content that I have been putting out there.

The Content

If you have a look through my previous videos you’re gonna see how we drove 800,000+ people to a blog post.

You’re going to get traffic generation strategies that you cannot get anywhere else because, as far as I know, its brand new stuff that nobody else is teaching.

And I’ve put that in these videos I’ve give that to you for free because I genuinely want you to build an awesome business that gives you the life of abundance and freedom and security that we all deserve.

In the videos I’ve given you list building strategies, I’ve shown you how to make lead magnets and how to make your own products and online courses.

I’ve shown you how to create ad campaigns and I’ve given you everything that you need to know for free, to set up and maintain a successful Internet business based around the things that you love.

I feel qualified to teach you how to do it because I’ve done it myself.

The Results

So let’s talk about the YouTube stats.

The overall picture from the last 90 days

Content Marketing Challenge
Content Marketing Challenge

Overall, there has been a steady level of growth. While it may look like the results are up and down, we’re moving in the right direction, when compared with the previous 90 days.

Compared with the Previous 90 Days

Now we can see the level of growth a lot clearer.

The blue line, which is the most recent 90 days, is clearly above the orange line, which is the previous 90 day period.

Growth of Likes

Things start to come into their own when we examine the amount of likes we’re receiving.

The previous 90 day period saw 84 likes, less than 1 per day.

The current 90 day period sees 384 likes, more than 4 per day and an increase of exactly 300 likes.

Subscriber Growth

Again, looking at the amount of subscribers we’ve received we can see the level of current growth dwarfs the previous 90 days.

The previous 90 day period received 69 subscribers, less than 1 per day.

The current 90 day period has received 185 subscribers, more than 3 times the amount.

So to sum up:

  • The overall watch time is up.
  • The average view duration is down a little bit.
  • The total views are up by quite a lot.
  • The likes have gone up
  • The dislikes have gone up.
  • The comments have gone up.
  • Shares have gone up.
  • Playlists have gone up.

The total number of subscribes gained over the last 90 days comes to 185.

I’m really pleased with these results.

Around two people a day are subscribing, so that’s not too bad.

I’ve seen other people who have done the 90 day challenge end up getting around 30 subscribers as a result.

So I’m pretty happy.

The average review duration has gone down. Let me explain why.

What has happened here, I think, in the last year I used to make very long videos – around 15 – 20 minutes long.

When I started doing this challenge the length of my videos dropped right down to 3 – 5 minutes long.

So I think that the average view duration has dropped because I’m creating shorter videos – which get a higher engagement rate, which people seem to prefer because I get straight to the point.

I no longer try to explain things in multiple different ways to cater for everybody.

In every video I just give them the meat of what they need to know.

The channel has certainly grown in the last 90 days as a result.

And remember hopefully the content I’m creating will compound over time.


The channel will continue to grow even without me, or without me creating new content.

But for every piece of new content that I do create, it will continue to compound over time.

When we look at the big picture I’m really pleased how things have worked out – it’s only 90 days and we have seen growth and we are moving in the right direction.

I’ve created a lot of lifetime assets for my business.

In fact, I’m so pleased with the results that I’m going to extend the challenge to 120 days.

So we’re not done yet.

And even when we’ve reached the end of 120 days, there’s absolutely no way I’m gonna stop creating videos for you.

I love it too much.

It feels like I’m helping people in such a meaningful way.

Video has now become a cornerstone of my business.

But let’s do another review in a month and see where we are on day 120 – if I can do it without a day off.

Should you do a 90 Day Content Marketing Challenge?

Now, if you are thinking about doing your own 90 day challenge I would say; make sure it is about a topic that you feel absolute passion for.

Make sure it’s something that you love because you’re going to have to dig deep and when you dig deep to create the content you will unleash a whole world of new ideas.

And interestingly, the very reason why you think you’re creating content right now might change it, has certainly changed for me.

Also, one very last thing.

Thank you to Miles Beckler because without him I wouldn’t have started this challenge, so if you’re reading, Miles, thank you.

Ok, I’m gonna leave it there for today, but listen, this stuff is important, right?

What we’re doing impacts people’s lives – it really does help them to improve their situation.

This is important stuff so share it and get it out there; let’s get more people becoming achieving more independence, security and abundance, and ultimately more freedom.

And they’ll probably be really thankful to you when you do share this with the – and it helps me out in a massive way too.

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