In 1988 Stephen R. Covey published a book called ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’.
I’ve never read it.
Until then, here are my own 7 habits for success.
Table of Contents:
1. Have a Purpose
This is single most important habit for success.
If you have a reason that’s bigger than yourself, or your own needs, you look stop looking for short term gains. Instead, you’ll see how you fit into a much bigger picture, and how your purpose can impact others.
This is especially true for info-marketers; bloggers, email list builders, content creations, etc.
2. Think Backwards
Successful people always start at the end result, and work backwards from there. This not only gives you clear direction on where you’re going, but you’ll truly understand how all the pieces fit together.
If you’re building a sales funnel, start with the end product and build your system out from that point.
3. Embrace Disciplined
I’ve ranted spoken about this multiple times in the past.
People talk about motivation, but motivation is not your friend. It gives you an excuse, a reason to fail.
Discipline is the key.
Discipline forces you to get up and do the work, regardless of how you feel. Discipline builds businesses and discipline will create your success.
4. Use Failure
Successful people see opportunity in failure. It shows us the areas we need to improve.
So if people are unsubscribing from your email list, find out why, and then fix it. By recognising patterns like this, we have the opportunity to make our businesses stronger.
Imagine success is like a radio signal that you’re trying to find. You turn the dial one way, and nothing, turn it the other way and you might hit on something.
Then you have to continue to fine tune and tweak over time. Failure lets you know what to focus on, or what to avoid.
5. Become Selective
Successful people won’t endorse any old product, and they won’t work with just anybody.
They have standards, and value to uphold. They understand that only by working with people who share the same values, amazing things can happen.
Not only does the opportunity for cross-promotion arise, but because you share the same values, you may well share the same purpose.
And we already know how essential having a purpose can be.
6. Meditate
Meditation is an essential part in success. Having the ability to clearly visualise what you want, and how you can achieve it can put you in the right mindset.
Although there are many different types of mediation, visualisation has persistently been the best one for me.
This also helps me to experience gratitude for my blessings.
So often we’re focused on achieving, growing, obtaining more, it’s easy to forget about how much we have already achieved in the journey.
7. Give more
Giving more than you take is just good advice, in general. It’s something my father said to me when I was growing up and it’s always stuck with me.
Because its second nature for me to give of myself freely, it’s paid off in business. Info marketers and content marketers rely on the ability to produce and share information without any exceptions in return.
Having that instilled in me at an early age has allowed me to do exactly that, as you can (hopefully) tell by this website.
But I’l let you be the judge of that. And if this has helped you or inspired you, please pass it forward and share this post with people who might benefit from it too. They might be thankful that you did.