How to Edit Videos Like a Pro

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By the end of this post you’re gonna be able to edit your videos in a more professional way. But you will need to watch the video because it has the essential step by step tutorial you’ll need, if you want the best results.

I’m gonna give you the exact structure I use for editing and creating my videos, so you can use this as a template if you stuck for ideas or you need some extra inspiration.

So use this to make your videos a little bit more professional.

You’re in great company today because when it comes to editing videos I have a lot of experience.

And it’s taken me a long time to really get over myself and step in front of the camera.

My Experience Editing Videos

I’ve been editing video for almost 10 years now, and the very first YouTube channel that I made actually ended up as a TV show on British television.

So you’re going to get a whole heap of advice based on real world experience.

This has been prompted by a couple of really nice messages from Profit Copilot viewers who’ve commented on the production and the editing of my videos.

They’d like to replicate some of what I do, so I thought I’d shoot a quick video to run people through the process that I use.

I also cover the structure I use and the editing techniques so you can copy it if you want to.

But before we begin, let me say if you are using any form of video on the internet then congratulations.

You’ve already taken a huge leap forward and you’re already doing something that 90% of people who come into content creation and digital marketing will never do.

Also, try to resist the temptation to compare your videos to other people’s videos.

The fact that using video in itself sets you apart from so many other people and that is such a huge accomplishment already, don’t beat yourself up if yours doesn’t have the same kind of production values.

As you can see, all my videos are quick and minimalist.

Editing Software

I’m gonna show you the software that I use, but listen, you can do this on pretty much any video editing software because they all do the same stuff.

The editing software that I’ve used in the past has been:

Adobe Premier – which is very powerful but I think there’s a fairly steep learning curve.

A good alternative to that is Sony Vegas – which I absolutely loved using I found it was really intuitive and quick to use but the render time was a nightmare.

Then we’ve also got Camtasia – which is simple to use.

And finally we’ve got Windows Movie Maker which is the free default movie editing software that comes installed on Windows machines.

All these are great options for the PC.

But if you’re on a Mac then you have got even more choices.

You’ve got Final Cut Pro – which is the big expensive high end video editing software.

You don’t actually need to go all out and get that you can though.

You could use iMovie, which is free or you can use the software that I use for my videos; ScreenFlow.

I am sure that all video editing software works in the same way.

In the video above I’m gonna run you through using ScreenFlow but you can apply the same techniques to whichever software you are most comfortable with.

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