Facebook Ads Ban Cryptocurrency

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Shocking news today as Facebook bans cryptocurrency from their ad platform.

But is there something else going on which they are not revealing at the moment?

I know that this has upset an awful lot of people, but listen, I don’t have a dog in this fight.

Personally, I don’t invest in cryptocurrency so this really doesn’t affect me but I know a lot of people that are affected by this.

I think this is outrageous because as adults we have the ability to make our own decisions.

We can choose what we want to invest our money in, and we have the right to make good or bad decisions irrespective of what anyone else thinks.

So we don’t need Facebook to wade in and make that decision for us, surely it’s up to the individual to decide is any cryptocurrency opportunity is a scam or not.

In my opinion is another example of Facebook trying to step in and control what society deems acceptable.

I’m growing tired of Facebook making decisions for people. We’ve had the psychological experiments that they conduct – and they are still conducting, actually.

We’ve had Facebook deciding what constitutes as ‘fake news’ and now they are deciding what people can and cannot invest in through their platform.

And yet they say that this is for our protection, so why on earth am I still seeing all those get-rich-quick scams being advertised?

I think this is really hypocritical of Facebook because on the 4th of January Zuckerberg posted this:

With the rise of a small number of big tech companies — and governments using technology to watch their citizens — many people now believe technology only centralizes power rather than decentralizes it.

There are important counter-trends to this –like encryption and cryptocurrency — that take power from centralized systems and put it back into people’s hands.

So with that in mind, what is really going on here?

What is the bigger picture? Could it be that Facebook is planning to launch their own cryptocurrency or blockchain product in the very near future?

Only time will tell but it is a little bit suspicious that they are forcing these new rules.

Banning cryptocurrency adverts from the platform while just earlier this month Zuckerberg himself endorsed cryptocurrency. It’s a strange situation.

And we have to ask… How much do we really trust Facebook when it comes down to it?

They have a history of attacking an idea and then rolling out their own offering to replace it.

So we can’t really invest too much faith into what they say at the moment.

Lets watch this space because I suspect they are going to release their own offering their own blockchain our cryptocurrency product.

I hope you’re not affected by this and I hope it doesn’t deter you from making up your own mind about where you invest your money.

And remember to share this post with people who might benefit from it.

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