Today I’m gonna help you get more clients quickly and generate some cash.
I’m gonna show you an email that I received recently from someone called Jade.
I really liked the email, I really liked his hustle because it reminded me of something that I used to do a few years ago – back in the early 2000s.
And I used the same strategy to get clients for my web design business.
Here’s the email he sent me:
Hey Mick!
Saw some of your Youtube videos and love that you are building a community surrounding internet marketing. I did notice you didn’t have an intro for your videos, so I wanted to create one for you (though it doesn’t look like you need it cause you are crushing it).
It is a demo, but if you want it I can remove the “demo” so you can use it. If you like it enough, literally just name your price and it is yours. If not, no worries. Keep building the community!
It is hosted on Youtube and here is the link.
I can change the colors as well if you like it.
Hope you enjoy!
The demo intro he made for me was very basic and using a ready-made template it probably took him around 10 or 20 seconds to make.
In fact I think video software comes as default on computers now that have similar templates you can use.
To copy this exact strategy, just take a default template and write in the name of the business or website.
If you want to offer your own service, here are a few key things to remember.
Table of Contents:
Know Who You’re Talking To
What I really like about this is the fact that Jade knew who he was speaking to.
That’s important because if you are going to approach a company with this kind of pitch, sending cold emails, then it’s a really good idea to know EXACTLY who you are speaking to and deliver significance.
Significance is something that we don’t really speak about in marketing – maybe because it’s so powerful and I know that the guru’s hold back the really powerful stuff, but hopefully by now you’ve seen that I don’t hold anything back.
Significance is really important that you have to deliver, especially through cold emails.
And that’s because people receive so many cold emails every day, and none of them contain any kind of significance.
Most emails I receive are very generic but this guy stood out because he knew who he was speaking to and provided significance.
Fill A Need
Jade saw that I didn’t have a video intro, so he spotted a need.
Something that was missing in my business and he tried to fill that need.
That’s essential for this tactic to work.
If you can spot what’s missing in peoples businesses and websites, you’ll know exactly what they’re (probably) willing to pay for – if the offer is right.
A Small Amount Of Flattery
The right level of flattery you put in your email is something to keep an eye one.
You don’t want to be over-the-top, or to smarmy.
Just a nice little compliment will work wonders.
Deliver Value For Money
When you make it clear that it’s not just about the money, that you care about delivering something of value, you’ll attract more clients.
Jade presented himself in a very friendly and warm way – even though it was cold email.
Even though I’m not using his intro on my Profit Copilot channel the next time I need a new intro for one of my other channels, who am I gonna ask?
It’s gonna be Jade.
And that’s because he’s done something really cool here and stood out against all the other emails I receive.
Other Ways To Use This
So you might be kind of wondering how you can use this for yourself.
Maybe you’re not into video marketing. Maybe you don’t know how to make intros.
That’s okay because all you really have to do is have a look at any business that you see on the Internet and find what they’re missing.
Then you start to fill those gaps.
Maybe you know how to write a little bit oft sales copy.
You can edit some of their copy, and ask them to try it out, and see if it gets them better results.
And if it does, because they know you’re ideas work, you’re in a good position to command higher fees.
The way that I used to do this was:
I made a mock-up web page, a redesign of their current site (in fact it was the same generic layout that I sent to every single business).
And I just changed the the name of the business and put their logo in place, and sent them a jpeg.
It took like literally a minute to do that and it would get good results – because I gave people significance and something to visualise so they could see the end result.
This approach works so well because they know exactly what they’re getting and they know where their money is going.
There’s a whole heap of ways that you can try this for yourself if you want to make a bit of extra cash on the side.
I was so impressed with the email from Jade, and how it reminded me of what I used to do when I first started out doing freelance web design, that I had to share it with you here.
In my experience it’s been a really effective way to get clients on board.
So there you go, I hope its given you some new ideas and I hope it’s shown you how easy it is to go out there and get more clients.
This making money on the Internet thing, or making money anywhere, in fact, it’s simple.
People overcomplicate it and they throw so much information at people and it’s usually just overwhelming.
But when really when we break it down, it usually comes back to the same principle; it’s just about filling a need.
When you find and fill in those gaps, either with what businesses or individuals need, you put yourself in a high-value position.
Hopefully with this strategy you’ve seen that there’s literally nothing stopping you from setting up a strong business. The only thing that might stop you is your inner-game.
Your mindset is the most important thing you need to make this, or any other strategy work. But we’ll get into that that stuff another time.