How a single blog post got 831,224 viral hits for free

Kartra Traffic Funnel
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What if in just 3 simple steps, you could drive MASSIVE amounts of targeted, VIRAL traffic to your website, for free – and without having to spend hours slaving away writing content?

If that sounds useful to you, then sit back and check this out.

Today I’m going to show you exactly how I got over 800,000 laser targeted visitors to a single blog post, for free, and without investing a great deal of time. So by the end of this video, you’ll know how to get tons of targeted traffic to your blog for free.

I’m going to give you a real life example of how I’ve personally used this technique to get hundreds of thousands of people to ONE of my blog posts.

Look at this:

So obviously traffic is important because it’s the lifeblood of any website, and this is a great way to attract viral traffic to your blog.

Leverage What’s Already Working

What I’m going to show you today is how to find content that is ALREADY popular, and how you can ethically take some of that popularity and direct it to your own blog. So we take something that’s relevant to your audience, something they’ll find interesting, and you re-frame it slightly and add some extra value to it. So you’re improving it, just a little bit. In addition to that viral content that people love to share, you’re delivering a small amount of extra value to your audience.

I’ll run you through this step by step in a second because the three simple steps we need to take are:

  • Step one: Find a popular video on Youtube that’s relevant to your niche.
  • Step two: Add value – So we need a couple of paragraphs of original content that either explains the video or expand on it.
  • Step three: Put your blog post where it will be welcomed, valued and shared.

Ok, let’s see the end results of using this strategy. This is one of my blog posts about internet marketing, in particular, Search Engine Optimisation, and as you can see, it’s received a lot of traffic, around eight hundred thousand page views.

And to get this, all I did was take a video about Search Engine Optimisation. It’s from ‘Search Engine Land’, and it’s a straightforward video, it’s only around three minutes long and it explains what SEO is.

There are hundreds of videos like this on Youtube. But what I was interested in, was the number of views, which here, is a lot.

So, I took that, and here you can see what I’ve done with it. I’ve just pasted it into a blog post, I’ve given it a catchy headline and I’ve added a very short article that took around 10 minutes to write. Is it simple stuff right? Amazing results from leveraging the popularity of other people’s videos.

And this is also great for the person who’s video you’re using. You’re not taking anything away from them, in fact, you’re helping them by spreading their video around and getting more people to watch it. Video creators invite this because their stuff can be embedded into blog posts. So it’s a win-win.

Ok, so let’s go through it all step by step, and I’ll show you how to find the right kind of videos to use.

Find The Right Video

Right, we go to Youtube, and let’s pretend you’re blog is all about ‘weight loss’. For the moment I’m going to keep things fairly general but you can apply whatever works for you here, so I’m going to search for ‘weight loss’ and hit ‘Search’. Great, now we have a list of videos to choose from but we need to narrow it down a bit further, we want to find the ones that are going viral in your niche. We use viral videos because we already know it’s content that people will share. And the whole purpose of this so to get people sharing your posts.

So here we have a ‘filter’ button, click that and choose ‘this month’. Now it’s changed the list to only show videos that were uploaded in the last few weeks. But we need to narrow it down a second time. So click on ‘filter’ again, now choose ‘View Count’, and this will bring back the most popular videos that were uploaded this month.

Now take your time to go through the results pages and choose a relevant video that your audience will find useful.

Add Value

Once you’ve made a choice, just paste it into your blog post and give it a catchy headline. I like to include numbers in my headlines because it stands out and people tend to respond better for some reason.

Then, when I added a small amount of value, I just give some facts and figures that the video didn’t have. You can do that too, or you can give a re-cap of the video. My process for the actual meat of the blog post is to imagine the visitor is on a journey, they’re consuming knowledge that takes them from one place to another, and it’s my job to help guide them in taking the next step.

So, I think about what my visitors need to know NEXT, once the video has finished. What’s going to be the next natural step for them to take, in their journey? So I’m using the video as a starting point, and then I’m carrying them forward with my own brand of education.

Promote It

Ok, so how do you get eyeballs on your blog post? Well, the good news is, this is the easy bit. In pretty much any niche you can think of, there are hundreds of devoted groups and communities out there where people crave information.

In addition to adding value, your job is to put your blog post in front of the people who are keenly interested in its valuable content AND who are likely to share it. Think about places like Facebook groups, Google communities, Reddit subchannels, bulletin boards, anywhere that large numbers of people in your niche hang out.

Remember to be respectful of the community rules, and I’ll also give you a word of caution about using Facebook groups for this. The aim is to get people to share your post, and they CAN’T do that easily if you’re posting in PRIVATE or SECRET Facebook groups, so that’s something to consider. You’ll be better off to invest your time to share it on PUBLIC only groups, that way you’ll get more people sharing the post – and that’s the whole point of this strategy.

Ok, so now you know how to leverage other people’s content, in an ethical way that delivers value to your market, and that lets you drive huge amounts of traffic to your website for free. So that’s all good.

But before I go, let me give you one extra bonus tip. In a previous video I told you about the importance of pixeling your traffic, so you can engage with your visitors and continue to deliver value to them after they’ve left your website. To do that you just copy and paste the facebook pixel code onto your blog and then you can continue to make offers.

So imagine the power of combining that technique with this strategy. If you’re building an email list, this approach is a stealthy, yet ethical way to get thousands of email subscribers pretty quickly.

Ok great, so if you’ve found this useful then you might like my other ones and you can get them when you join my mailing list, at

Right, that’s all from me for today, thank you for stopping by and I’ll see you again next time.

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