Today you’re going to learn one of the most profitable sequences to have ever been created in the history of online marketing. This formula is great because it delivers absolute value to your audience while maximizing your revenue.
This is all about strategy and turning your subscribers into customers. I’m going show you the exact steps you need to take, the process to take someone who doesn’t know much about you and then turn them into buyers.
Tools We Need
I’m going to assume a few things.
Firstly, I’m going to assume that you’re building an email list and you’re using some kind of lead magnet, some kind of freebie to entice people to join. I’m also going to assume that you’re creating content and selling at least one product.
Ok, so the tools we need to do this, are;
- Autoresponder
- Webpages
- Product
An autoresponder is essential. Then you’re going to need some web pages, there actually are only three types of pages we need. I’ve colour-coded the pages for you, so you can see which is which.
We’re going to need a lead capture page, so that’s a squeeze page – and this CAN be a blog page too, as long as it has an opt-in form on it, so people can subscribe, that’s absolutely fine too. I’ve colour-coded this green.
Then we need a content page, so you can deliver valuable content to your subscribers, this can have video on it, it can have an article, and a common way to use these pages is to use it as a thank you page or a download page for free ebooks, as long as it delivers valuable content it doesn’t really matter. And I’ve colour-coded all these pages blue.
And then finally we need a sales page, so people can buy your product. I’ve colour-coded this red.
And that’s it, just three types of page. We can rename them as anything we like and try to make it sound fancier than it really is, but everything we do just comes down to these three types of pages.
So, a squeeze page, a content page, and a sales page. Nothing too complicated there, right? All basic stuff that you probably already have.
How It’s Done
Right, so, it works like this. This is how you turn an email subscriber into a customer.
The Squeeze Page
You’re probably already sending traffic to a squeeze page, or a blog post that has the opt-in form above the fold – in the top portion of the page, ok. So your visitors hit the page, they subscribe to the mailing list, then straight away, the very first day, they receive an email with a link to the freebie you promised them – so they click a link which takes them to a download page. And then they’re added to the rest of your email sequence.
Now, here’s where it gets really cool. You’ve got loads of ways to do this ok, but here’s a way that’s been proven to work.
Day One
The download page does two things. One, it gives them the thing you promised them, so it delivers content. Secondly, it gives you the opportunity to send them to a sales page. So on this page, you can make a special offer, something like a massive discount or a special product they can’t get anywhere else. So you have the chance to make a one time offer.
Now, there are a couple of things you need to know about this. The ‘one time offer’ shouldn’t be for your main product. It should be a completely separate product that will complement the main one. This is where a lot of people screw up. They offer a discount on their main product. Don’t do that, instead just create a low ticket item that you can use to liquidate the cost of your advert. That means, you’re using the ‘one time offer’ to cover the cost of advertising, which means the traffic you’re getting hasn’t cost you a penny, ok? So you’re building an email list for free.
Another name for this type of product is a ‘tripwire’. It’s a low priced product that’s an impulse buy. But listen, most people won’t buy from you, for the moment at least, and that’s ok. So we need a way to turn that no, into a yes. So we follow up with them through the email sequence.
Day Two
So on day two, we send them another piece of valuable content for free. It has to be actionable and it has to give them specific results quickly. And this lets your prospect see that you’re knowledgeable and if they follow you, they can achieve great results.
On this content page, you’ve got a couple of options. The first one is, you can just give them just the content, and nothing else. You should use this content to build desire for your main product. A good way to build desire is to let your subscribers know that something awesome is coming their way, but they can’t get their hands on it yet. So just mentioning that your product will be available in a couple of days time, is a great way to build anticipation. And this is now the standard product launch sequence. Jeff Walker, the first web entrepreneur to make a million dollars in one day, well he used this sequence to do it, and thousands of people have replicated this ever since.
Or, another way of doing things could be to add an ‘upgrade button’ so that links to a sales page where they can buy the full product straight away, so they don’t have to wait until the end of the campaign.
If you can give them the chance to upgrade to your full product, some people will get so much value from your free stuff that they will buy it immediately. While other people will need to get to know you a little better. I use both of these methods, and I think it mostly comes down to personal preference.
Day Three
Then on day three, it’s just like the previous day so you deliver another piece of valuable content. And if you’re not using an upgrade button then use this as an opportunity to let your subscribers know that they can buy your product tomorrow. So use it as another opportunity to increase the desire for your main product.
Day Four
Ok, on the fourth day it’s time to make a direct sales pitch. Here you explicitly ask for the sale. You’ve been delivering value for the last few days and now it’s time to get something back – besides the satisfaction of helping people, which is ultimately more rewarding, and more motivating. But you need to eat, right? So this email has a link to a sales page where they can buy your product.
Right, ok, so looking at what we’ve got so far, it’s all really straight forward stuff right? We’re just using three content pages, and then a sales page.
This type of campaign is actually called a linear campaign and it’s the most widely used sequence because it’s one of the easiest ones to set up, it also produces amazing results, and it delivers value to your market.
So if we wanted to, we could stop there and call it a day. But you know me, and I’m going to include a bonus strategy.
Ok, this next tip is going to help you to dramatically increase your profit. In fact, this strategy has sky-rocketed Amazon’s revenue by around 35%.
At the point of every sale, you can offer the customer an optional extra – it’s a bit like asking if they’d like fries with that. It’s called an upsell and it works so well because the customer is already in the mood to buy, they’re in a feel-good state of mind. So it makes sense to offer them something extra at this stage. And you can also offer an upsell right after they grab your liquidator, and at every other point of sale.
Now, although around 30% of people will accept your offer, if it’s relevant to their initial purchase, that still leaves a massive 70% who will decline. And that’s where the downsell comes into play. That’s usually a less expensive version of the upsell, a slimmed down version but not the entire product. It’s important that you don’t just discount the upsell because that’s a quick way to lose trust, and it’s not really fair on the 30% of people who bought. So keep this as a different product, maybe it just has fewer features than the upsell product.
And as you can see, both of these, upsells and downsells, are really just sales pages.
Both of these lead to the ‘thank you’ page, where your customer gets all the stuff that they purchased. And that’s just another content page. And also, do you notice something about every page the subscribers see? Every page has some kind of call to action on it, at every interaction, we’re asking them to do something. It could be asking them to share your content, it could be asking them to buy from you, it doesn’t matter, we’re ALWAYS asking them to take action.
Right, I’m sure you’ll agree that this system is incredibly powerful, and we haven’t done anything too technical or too complicated, have we? Ok, so
I hope you’ve found this to be immensely profitable, and if you have then you might like my other videos – and you can get them when you go to and jump onto the mailing list.