Part 7: How To Make A Tripwire Product

Kartra Traffic Funnel
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Today I’m going to show you how to make a tripwire product. This is part 7 of the Profit From Your Passion training course.

Tripwire products are low priced items that you can offer your email subscribers immediately after they subscribe to your list.

It’s a good way to get them from your freebie-seekers list, and onto your buyers list.

Tripwire products are awesome, so let’s get into this.

Benefits of Using Tripwire Products

One of the main benefits of using a tripwires product is to cover the cost of your adverts.

Because we’re eventually going to promote your stuff through advertising (it’s the best way to get traffic) using a tripwire product essentially makes sure that it’s free traffic.

The tripwire should be a low ticket purchase, and an offer that’s so enticing, that it covers the cost of advertising.

Another major benefit of using a tripwire is to build trust.

So it’s a great way for your customers to get to know you and start that relationship building process.

Typically, tripwires cost between $7 and $30 per sale.

When they’re within that range they can switch on the ‘buying mode’.

They’ve changed the conversation in your prospects head from IF they going to buy to HOW MUCH are they going to spend.

Obviously we have to deliver outstanding value in the product and try our best to overdeliver.

But we also use tripwires as a vehicle to up-selling to our main training course.

Remember yesterday we made an online course? Well the tripwire is going to promote that course so that helps you make more profit in the end.

So how do you structure your tripwire?

Well, I actually have a really good formula that you can just follow.

The Tripwire Creation Formula

The tripwire should make a promise to your customer.

Then you should show the end results of that promise.

Next you should include testimonials – even if that’s your own experience.

Then you gotta highlight common problems.

And then you get a bit personal and reveal your struggle.

Share your story because the story is what people will remember and that will help you to bond with your audience quicker.

Tell people where you’ve come from, and about the journey that you have been on.

People will want to share your success, so let them see that it is achievable for them too.

So once we’ve got all that content down inside the tripwire, the next thing we need to do is dispel some common myths.

This helps to position you as different to the competition.

Talk about things that are taken for granted, and then you dispel them. Explain why it’s wrong and give better alternatives.

And that’s where you give the solution.

This should be a really large section of your tripwire because this is where you actually given him the how-to information.

This should be actionable info to solve their problem.

Everything before the solution is all about their mindset.

You gotta them realise what the problem is and give them the self belief to solve it.

Don’t underestimate the power of everything that comes before the solution because your prospects to believe in themselves.

Think of it like you’re giving them the motivation and the determination to they need improve the situation.

Then once you’ve shown them how to get the results they need, you give them a call to action.

The Upsell

This is where you pitch your online course.

I would say keep the pitch to around 5% of the total content of your tripwire.

That’s because you don’t want to sell them an advert.

Give them absolute maximum value and then say: “we’re going to help you take the next step on your journey for long-term results”.

So how do we actually make a tripwire?

Tripwire Creation Tools

If you’re going to sell a PDF you can use Google Docs.

I really recommend using Google Docs because it means you can log in from anywhere with an Internet connection, or use multiple devices.

I’ll sometimes work at home on the computer and then I’ll take a laptop and sit in Starbucks and carry on working.

You could also use Microsoft Word, or even Canva.

What I tend to do is write out my content in Google Docs or Evernote and then I paste it into Canva and format it to make it look pretty.

I’ve actually got another video about Canva here.

Another option could be to do screen recording.

Screen Recording

I’ve done lots of screen recording, the very first online course that I made was made up entirely of PowerPoint slides.

You could use Keynote, Google Slides, or PowerPoint and then record your screen with ScreenFlow, Camtasia, or Screencast-o-Matic.

ScreenFlow is probably the best one that I have used so far, but it is for Mac only.

If you’re on a PC and you can afford it then go for Camtasia, otherwise Screencast-O-Matic is a really good budget option for recording your slides.

So there you go I hope you found this useful and hope that’s helped you to get everything you need to create your own tripwire products.

And you know what, this is just one more way of creating products in this Profit From Your Passion series.

I’ve given you 3 ways to create products, so you can just choose the ones that resonate with you.

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