Mick Meaney

Hi, I'm Mick! I've been pro blogging since 2004 and I will teach you proven strategies to help you get more website traffic and ethically profit from your passion.

Why Branding Is More Than Just A Fancy Logo

How to position yourself as an authority and build trust in your niche. We’re going to look beyond the traditional U.S.P. and delve deeper into what sets you apart from the competition. Rush Transcript: I was talking with a friend the other today, hello Kerstin, and I was reminded about a strategy that had absolutely nothing …

Why Branding Is More Than Just A Fancy Logo Read More »

List Building: Why ‘Qualifying Buyers’ Is Important

It’s an important skill to learn, regardless of what you’re selling. You gotta qualify your web traffic. It took me a while to figure this out. Here’s what happens when you DON’T qualify… you’ve probably experienced this too when you were first starting out… Not all traffic is created equally You start promoting your website everywhere …

List Building: Why ‘Qualifying Buyers’ Is Important Read More »